Happy Bidet
Single Temperature Bidet Attachment
Make a wish and blow out the candles with a nice, cool spray of clean refreshing water to your bottom! Happy Bidet makes every day your special day by thoroughly washing your “WOO-HOO” and your “HOO-HA!!” after every poop, treating you like the B-Day royalty you are! Happy Bidet To You!
- Pressure and angle-adjusting switch
- Easy installation in under 10 minutes
- No electricity or plumber needed

Save Trees

Save your butt

Save money

Save time
Your Happy Bidet

RSVP to the best potty of the year!
- Pressure and angle-adjusting switch
- Easy installation under 10 minutes
- No electricity or plumber needed
- Fits on many toilets
- Self-cleaning
- 60-day risk-free guarantee
Get this Happy Bidet Potty Started in Under 10 Minutes.
Remove your toilet seat.
Connect Happy Bidet to your clean water supply.
Reattach your toilet seat.
It’s Potty Time! Happy Pooping!